GREENMAX Screw Compactor Helps Electronic Packaging Industry Recycle EPE Disposal
During FIFA world cup period, people often wait in line at the bar to watch games just for the big screen TV.
To attach more importance to EPS recycling can bring great benefits
Until recently, most EPS recycling efforts are focused on industrial field, such as packaging of refrigerators or televisions
The Profit Made By Recycling Polystyrene Disposal Hold Back Albany County’s Expand Styrofoam Ban
According to the latest local law, establishments that used the styrofoam packaging products for takeout services
The current status of International disposable Styrofoam products recycling
According to experts, the current disposable Styrofoam products are produced and widely used in developed countries
GREENMAX Machine Helps Business Generate Profits Out From EPS Recycling
EPS also names expanded polystyrene foam technically, it's a type of material well-known
The lack of recycling technology leads to the dilemma of Styrofoam recycling
It is reported that McDonald's will stop using Styrofoam cold drinks cups and trays around the world by the end of 2018.
Up-To-Date Foam Compactor Can Make Styrofoam Recycling Procedure Intelligent
As long as people talk about plastic, many people may have a misconception that all plastic cannot be recycled
GREENMAX Compactor Makes Photo Frame Production Greener Than Before
Before the advent of plastic photo frame, all of frame products have been made from wood
EPS recycling becomes an opportunity for some enterprises with the application of GREENMAX foam densifier
In recent years, the extensive applications of EPS material has brought many problems to our environment
The application of GREENMAX screw compactor is found to be important for polystyrene recycling
In the past, polystyrene has been regarded as one of the least recycled materials due to the lack of recycling technology