GREENMAX EPS machines can help prevent the recycling crisis in Australia
You may not be very clear about what we called Expanded polystyrene (EPS), but you must have used it. It's a lightweight white foam used for everything from supermarket vegetable boxes to food packaging.
In Australia, it is reported that some EPS waste are recycled and exported overseas. but each state has less than one collection point at present. The NSW environmental protection agency estimates that about 12,000 tons of EPS are sent to landfills every year. About 14% of EPS is collected for recycling and only 1.6% are recycled locally, according to the Australian plastics recycling company.
Australia faces a recycling crisis, which is why many researchers are looking for ways to recycle EPS, reuse this very useful material and keep it out of landfills.
Mebourne market -the largest vegetable and fruit wholesale market in Australia has collected large amount of waste EPS packaging for fruits and vegetables and sent it to recycling companies. As the scale of the industry has expanded, the company has been looking for new solutions for EPS disposal.
After trying many options, Melbourne market finally chose the GREENMAX A-C200 EPS compactor for their packaging boxes recycling. “The EPS blocks compressed by GREENMAX are 50 times smaller than before and can hold 20 tons of cabinet.” said the manger of the company who is very pleased with the partnership with GREENMAX.
GREENMAX machines are now popular among fruit and vegetable markets in Australia. Recycling Styrofoam packaging by crushing and compacting with no pollution, this efficient recycling method is not only welcomed by enterprises, but also supported by the government, and some regions are also supported by government funds, which has greatly improved the recycling rate of EPS waste.
Global plastic production is expected to grow by 3.8% a year by 2030, and we need to expand our recycling to remove these plastic waste from landfills.