GREENMAX EPS Recycling Machine A-C200 Operated by Recycling Company in USA

GREENMAX EPS recycling machine efficiently compresses EPS foam, significantly reducing its volume and making it easier to handle, transport, and process further. This reduction in volume enhances operational efficiency.

It is designed to handle large volumes of EPS with minimal manual intervention, which is essential for recycling facilities aiming to scale their operations. The machine’s ability to transform bulky foam into dense blocks facilitates the recycling process by making the material more manageable and suitable for reuse in various applications. This process not only helps in diverting EPS waste from landfills but also supports the creation of valuable recycled products

Below video comes from a recycling company in USA. They purchased EPS recycling machine A-C200 and compacted polystyrene that they collected.  It is also capable of compacting various kinds of plastic foams like EPS, XPS, PSP.

Technical Data:
Throughput: 200 kg/h
Reduction Ratio: 50:1
Material: Styrofoam

EPS Recycling Machine A-C200 Video: