Walmart has taken a GREENMAX Styrofoam densifier in their South Carolina Return Center
In the near future, GREENMAX has obtained the cooperation with the Walmart Return Center in South Carolina, US. The center purchased a specially designed M-C100E Styrofoam densifier and started its Styrofoam recycling project.
Cooperate with GREENMAX for EPS recycling solution to achieve green packaging
EPS block is convenient for home appliance manufacturers to stack and sort, but this is not the whole of EPS recycling solution. GREENMAX is a well-known manufacturer of recycling machines and an EPS waste buyer.
Invest in GREENMAX Styrofoam densifier to earn additional income
Foam ingots melted by GREENMAX Styrofoam densifier can be sold at a high price.Exactly GREENMAX is Styrofoam buyer.
Why California recycler chooses EPS densifier produced by GREENMAX
The blue trash cans on the roadside are full of EPS trash generated in life. About 59% of EPS materials in California are put into EPS densifier.
GREENMAX polyethylene foam densifier solves the problem of waste foam recycling
GREENMAX polyethylene foam densifier not only helps you solve transportation difficulties, but also encourages you to develop new business.
How does GREENMAX Styrofoam densifier prevent misplacement of resources effectively
When Styrofoam waste is in the Styrofoam densifier, it is the renewable resource being processed.
The functional characteristics and maintenance of a Styrofoam compactor
To this end, GREENMAX—the Styrofoam recycling specialist will bring the relevant knowledge of Styrofoam compactor.
Foam densifier makes Australian cutter to turn spending into revenue
Foam densifier M-C200 is the highest compression ratio of foam recycling equipment produced by GREENMAX.
GREENMAX Styrofoam densifier is a great breakthrough in the foam recycling industry
The emergence of Styrofoam densifier is a great breakthrough in the Styrofoam recycling industry.
Foam densifier helps foam manufacturers go a long way on 3R
"3R manufacturing" has become the production principle of many foam manufacturers, and the foam densifier produced by GREENMAX is loved by them.