The awareness and willingness of residents to recycle seems to be the basis for recycling with the styrofoam densifier
There are essentially three types of polystyrene: expanded polystyrene (coffee cups, equipment packaging), extruded polystyrene (meat and fish trays, takeout meals), and rigid polystyrene. The latter is used to make containers for small fruits, sushi plates or yogurt pots and is often confused with other types of plastic. At present, expanded polystyrene, also known as styrofoam, is a common type of waste that is difficult to recycle. On the one hand, the community is not very willing to recycle this material. This material is bulky and difficult to organize. Recycling activities. On the other hand, residents’ awareness and willingness to recycle this material are not very strong, which is also the main reason why the recycling rate of this material is low in some areas.
In Quebec, the recycling rate for expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene is only 36%, far behind Ontario (55%) and British Columbia (100%). Quebec City residents can put styrofoam directly into their blue bins, but would prefer to recycle the material and take it to an ecology center for true recycling. A report commissioned by Quebec's recycling agency concluded that "it is entirely possible to recycle post-consumer styrofoam through selective collection." This means that residents’ recycling awareness and willingness to recycle are constantly increasing, and relevant departments have also begun to pay attention to the recycling of styrofoam.
Styrofoam recycling technology has broken through technological barriers. As long as you want to recycle, there are many suitable equipment that can help with recycling. At present, GREENMAX styrofoam densifier has helped government departments in multiple Australian regions to help multiple communities recycle styrofoam. Use styrofoam densifier to break waste into fragments, and then these fragments will be heated and melted by the equipment's hot melt system.
This step is also an important volume reduction step. About 98% of the air is squeezed out, forming dense styrofoam ingots. It is precisely because of the help of GREENMAX styrofoam densifier that these two projects in Australia were successfully completed. This equipment has made excellent performance in volume reduction. After the waste compressed by the styrofoam densifier, the volume can be reduced to one-90th of the original size, which brings great convenience to recycling. It is precisely because of the joint efforts of all parties that the recycling of styrofoam can be achieved.