Styrofoam compactor will help residents across the U.S. make styrofoam recycling an efficient everyday activity

The Polystyrene Recycling Alliance (PSRA), established by the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS), Washington, is a cooperative endeavor aimed at bringing together the expandable polystyrene (EPS) and polystyrene (PS) sectors along with a wide range of stakeholders, including recyclers, converters, and brands, in order to accomplish the objective of making PS "widely recyclable."

"More Americans will be able to recycle a wide range of polystyrene products thanks to this partnership, which is a huge step forward for polystyrene sustainability," says Matt Seaholm, president and CEO of PLASTICS. "Polystyrene is recyclable by nature, and it will be recycled on a far larger scale in the future. Recycling is real, and the Plastics Industry Association is happy to be pursuing this program to collaborate with the whole value chain to advance the sustainability of plastics.

EPS is also called styrofoam. It is a plastic material with a long history of use. In the early days, people were amazed at the convenience of using this material, so this material was widely used in a short period of time. However, people at that time did not consider the non-degradability of this material and did not recycle it well. As a result, people now think that styrofoam is white pollution when talking about this material. In fact, this is not the case. We cannot completely deny this material because of a few legacy issues.

So how to recycle styrofoam? GREENMAX styrofoam compactor is a more professional recycling equipment that can crush styrofoam waste first, and then use a screw to squeeze out the air in styrofoam. 98% of styrofoam is air. The compression ratio of this equipment can reach 50:1.

Currently 32% of the U.S. population can recycle one or more PS items, and it is expected that recycling pathways for several PS formats and applications will be close to "widely recyclable status" by 2030. With the help of specialized equipment such as the Styrofoam Compactor, more styrofoam will be efficiently recycled.