How to Process 70% Recyclable EPS Material Entering Bradenton Landfill
There is a very philosophical saying: garbage is just a treasure placed in the wrong place. This sentence is also very reasonable for the actual situation because many materials that become trash are actually recyclable.
Cleaning or breaking your trash can is the first step to changing the use of garbage, but this recyclable trash is likely to end up in landfills. According to the latest data from Bradenton Solid Waste Department, about 70% of the discarded recycled goods are not disposed of in the recycling center. Instead, officials say they were taken to landfills because of improper recycling. Among them, EPS is the key material.
As a container and packaging material, EPS can be recycled, but usually, it will be taken to the landfill as non-recyclable foam#6, which is the recycling trend in many places. In Bradenton, when trucks unload recycled goods at the collection center, they are checked to ensure that most of the garbage is actually recyclable. If more than 20% of the load is not recyclable, the whole load will be brought to the landfill. In Florida, at least five cities face the same problem.
Generally speaking, the recovery cost is about $70 per ton, but the pollution load cost is $110 per ton. Under the influence of such a recycling mechanism and the lack of recycling technology, EPS has become a regular visitor to the landfill. Therefore, we should use the right means to recycle EPS and separate it from landfill.
Members of Parliament in Bradenton called for a public awareness campaign on how to recycle properly. I think this is necessary. It is very important to make EPS recyclable in people's cognition from the root. As an important raw material for the manufacture of plastic particles, in fact, EPS is very popular in the recycling market. Now EPS frame bars can be seen everywhere, which also comes from it.
In addition, the current recycling technology is also developing. GREENMAX, a famous recycling company in North America, has designed an EPS densifier, which can handle EPS efficiently. EPS densifier enables post-use EPS to be quickly hot-melt and then become compact ingots, which not only saves space but also makes it a new material to be put into the market.
People don't always know what they can and can't put. We can educate everyone on how to do more things correctly. EPS densifier will become the technical guarantee of EPS recycling in the future, which can help us better save EPS waste from landfills.