GREENMAX PET bottle recycling machine helps prevent the spread of secondary microplastics

Tiny fragments of plastic waste known as microplastics are frequently discovered in food. According to the US National Institute of Health, eating microplastics can have a significant impact on one's health and result in symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Researchers employ a technique known as advanced spectroscopy, which subjects plastic particles to various light wavelengths, to detect microplastics. Researchers can determine whether or not these are microplastics and what kind of microplastic they are by observing how different types of plastic react to light.

Microplastics are classified into two categories: primary microplastics, which are produced specifically to be incorporated into or utilized in the manufacturing of other products, and secondary microplastics, which are produced when macroplastics (plastic items larger than 5 mm in size) break down and fragment. In the environment, secondary microplastics make up the majority of microplastics. Microplastics produced on land can enter the ocean by runoff from agricultural soils, street drains, wastewater systems, residential drainage, poorly managed trash disposal sites, and airborne transport. Microplastics are very expensive and difficult to remove once they are in the marine environment.

Investigations have shown that the main source of microplastics currently caused by exposure to the natural environment is PET plastic, which is also one of the most widely used plastics in the world. The best way to avoid the generation of microplastics is to recycle these used plastics correctly and promptly.

To recycle PET plastic bottles, you must first process the residual liquid in them. Use the GREENMAX PET bottle recycling machine to squeeze out the residual liquid to complete the first step of recycling. GREENMAX PET bottle recycling machine initially focused on compressing PET plastic, but now it is not limited to these materials. Daily chemical bottles. Containers such as aluminum cans can also be compressed and recycled. PET bottle recycling machine has helped large companies such as Coca-Cola, Nestlé, and L'Oreal successfully achieve recycling.

Not only can we provide EPS recycling system, GREENMAX not only provides PET bottle recycling machine, but also supports PET recycling system. We buy back PET waste for reproduction and remanufacturing. This is also a new recycling and procurement business in recent years. GREENMAX has continued to innovate in the field of environmental protection, expanded its business scope, and made efforts to solve microplastic pollution.