EPS compactor will help more companies like BEWI recycle EPS fish boxes waste

With the launch of a new circular hub in Norrköping, Sweden, EWI, a developer of environmentally friendly packaging and insulating solutions, has increased its recycling capacity. The Norrköping plant is regarded as a crucial step in BEWI's journey towards becoming a completely circular business, further solidifying its commitment to spearhead the shift to a circular economy. According to reports, the firm will add 40% more expanded polystyrene (EPS) recycling capacity. 

Currently, more and more well-known brands attach great importance to the recycling of EPS. They not only recycle the EPS waste generated by their own brands, but also help nearby communities and public welfare organizations to recycle. What is more noteworthy is that in the process of recycling EPS, more and more companies choose to use EPS recycling machines for recycling. This will also significantly increase the efficiency of recycling.The company has been investing in the circular economy since 2018, focusing on strengthening its circular capabilities. The company collects and recycles used EPS packaging and insulation materials such as fish boxes and construction waste. In 2023, BEWI claimed to have recycled approximately 27,000 tons of waste EPS, accounting for approximately 90% of the fish boxes it produced. So how to recycle EPS fish boxes efficiently?

GREENMAX recommends using an EPS compactor to recycle EPS fish boxes. GREENMAX has helped many customers in Europe, Australia and the United States to recycle fish boxes. We all know that one of the distinctive features of EPS fish boxes is the high water content, which is also a major problem that needs to be overcome in the recycling process. GREENMAX recommends using EPS compactor to achieve 100% screw extrusion technology to achieve volume reduction.

The GREENMAX EPS compactor first uses an efficient crushing system to break the EPS fish box into fragments of suitable size, and then squeezes the air through the screw to achieve volume reduction.At present, the compression ratio of GREENMAX EPS compactor can reach 50:1. Since the entire process adopts cold pressing technology, no heating is required, so it is more suitable for processing waste EPS with high water content.

GREENMAX not only provides recycling equipment, but also cares about whether EPS waste is truly recycled. GREENMAX belongs to the machinery brand of INTCO Recycling. INTCO Recycling recycles compressed EPS waste all year round, realizing a true recycling closed loop and economic closed loop.Many well-known fishery brands are long-term partners of GREENMAX. We have also helped recycle many EPS products used in fisheries, which are not limited to EPS fish boxes, but also include EPS ocean buoys and other white waste inevitably generated by fisheries.