Global Masterbatch Market Condition and Greenmax Recycling Machine
According to market research firm MarketsandMarkets, the global masterbatch market is expected to reach 7.1% and it is expected to rise to $12.1 billion of market capitalization in 2019. Packaging demand for masterbatch CAGR is about 7.5%, which occupy an important position in the overall masterbatch market.
In regional markets, Asia and South America is a leader in the global marketplace. Masterbatch demand growth in Asia-Pacific region is mainly derived from local plastics processors rising demand for raw materials and products are fine. Given the good prospects for local development, the company plans to use some of the region’s low cost structure and the demand for plastics and packaging space in the local market expansion.
Packaging represents the largest end-use markets masterbatch. More and more consumer goods manufacturers began to seek packaging material which could reduce production costs and could ensure the effective storage and transport of packaging materials. Therefore, the market for high-performance masterbatch with functionality and aesthetics demand is expected to grow.
The increase of investment and the implementation of new technologies, the new high-quality products can achieve production, which could promote the development of masterbatch industry. The company which invest the masterbatch market attach great importance to the new product research and development.
Meanwhile, the masterbatch could be get from waste plastic foam recycling, such as EPS foam and EPE foam recycling. The waste EPS foam could be compacted into blocks and then made into pellets after processing. So a large amount of raw materials can be saved with the help of recycling machines.
Since masterbatch demand is increasing, waste polystyrene foams can be made full use of after recycle. That is to say, more waste plastic foams can be made into other useful products. Meanwhile, pollution and resource wastes could be saved as much as possible.
Coincidentally, Greenmax machines have more and more types which could handle different plastic foams. Recently, new plastic foam recycling machines are produced for waste polyester foam and polystyrene foam recycling and reuse.